The philosophy of single adult ministry centers on the belief that single adults are important to God and vital to his kingdom. Singleness is a viable lifestyle and God provides grace for living life as a Christian single adult.

The mission of a Singles Ministry is to encourage Christian single adults, to prepare them to share the gospel and to introduce others to Jesus Christ. As the ministry develops, we will learn to shift our focus from ourselves and onto God and what He told us to do. We will learn to let God choose our mate and trust His timing.God wants us to have His best! In order to have His best for us, we must understand the importance of “fleeing from fornication” as stated in 1 Cor. 6:18 and learn how to wait on the Lord (Psalm 27:14). I truly believe that any Godly desire we have, God wants us to have it, but there are lessons to be learned while in this season of singleness.

The purpose of the Singles Adult Ministry is to:

  • Minister to the needs of single adults through divorce recovery, grief recovery, and single-parent family ministries.
  • Equip single adults with skills for living productive lives.
  • Assist single adults during crisis.
  • Encourage ministry to others through involvement in the local congregation, service projects to the community, and mission trips.
  • Integrate single adults into the church program by using their gifts, talents, and abilities.
  • Promote abstinence until marriage. (Holiness is still right!)

Click here  to view pictures of Pettit Jean outing

<<<<< February 5, 2025  Wednesday Night Bible Study will be on-line (Zoom) only at the normal time 6:15 pm.    Click Here for the Zoom information.>>>>> Thank you