Bible study series on the book of Colossians, focusing on the theme “Complete in Christ.” You’ll discover the fullness of our identity in Him and how to live out our faith with purpose and confidence. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow together in community, deepen your understanding of Scripture, and embrace the transformative power of Christ in your life. Classes begin soon! Click Here for more information
The attachment is the job description for a percussionist. Please contact Pastor Artee Williams or Lloyd Hervey.
All sessions will meet face-to-face in the Church Sanctuary or via church Zoom. The online information is below. The study outline can be found by clicking here. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 949 5341 2847 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94953412847# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 949 5341 2847 Find your local number:
Topic: Greater Pleasant Branch Sunday School MinistryTime: This is a recurring meeting each Sunday Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 949 5341 2847 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94953412847# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 949 5341 2847 Find your local number:
You are welcome join us in the sanctuary at 601 Spruce St. Conway, Arkansas or join us online at the link below: Pleasant Branch Baptist Church YouTube Channel Click Link below: Thank You
In order to improve the communication of announcements and events to our congregation the following procedures will be implemented effective April 9, 2023: — All announcements/ events must be communicated in writing to the IT ministry by Thursday of each week . — All announcements/events should provide sufficient detail for the congregation and include instructions for the IT ministry regarding posting: one Sunday, entire month , etc. — All announcements/events should be e mailed to: — All announcements/events will be scrolled on the church monitors before and after worship service. Questions may be addressed to Pastor Williams or the IT ministry.