Ministry of music
and fine arts

Our Mission Statement:

“Reaching people with messages from God through the Ministry of Music and Fine Arts.”

Our Task

“Pursuing Spirituality – The Key to Effective Discipleship, Worship, and Ministry.”

Our Motto:

“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.To Him be glory both now and forever.Amen.”

Established Goals and Objectives:

To develop a spiritually focused ministry for all worship opportunities in which the ministry units minister through continual and consistent biblical analyses of all pieces of music before ministry presentations for all age levels (Colossians 3:16,17).

Discipleship: To enhance and strengthen the spiritual and musical growth of all ministry of music and arts personnel through formal and informal instruction in sight reading and sight singing for developmentally appropriate for all ages (Psalm 33:3; 1 Chronicles 25:6-8)

To enhance existing levels of fellowship among ministry personnel and focus on reaching worshipers with a compelling evangelistic message through singing, liturgical dance, instrumental music, drama, and the visual arts as a collective vehicle of evangelism (Matthew 28:18-20)

The Ministry of Music and Fine Arts is a comprehensive church music program, including formal choirs, an instrumental ministry (ensemble/orchestra and chimes choir), a drama ministry, a liturgical dance ministry, and a visual arts ministry. This ministry assists the Pastor in planning for the corporate worship opportunities of the church (morning worship and seasonal worship services) and is responsible for the selection and presentation of music and appropriate forms of the arts that glorify God and edify the worshipers. Additionally, when asked, this ministry assists in selecting and providing appropriate music and visual art forms for weddings, funerals, special projects, and other church-related activities.

The J. R. Raynor Sanctuary Choir – James “Joe” Hogan, President.– 

The J. R. Raynor Sanctuary Choir ministers each week, providing music during Morning Worship Service, and is tasked with assisting the worshiper in focusing on praise and thanksgiving as we enter the sanctuary. This ministry commits itself to the task of singing songs that prepare men’s hearts for the Word so that they might be led to Jesus as their personal Savior and that the saved may be strengthened in their faith.

The Cleo Raynor Children’s Choir – Mrs. Jessie B. Cain, Director and Miss Jaylin Ealy, Asst. to the Director. – 

This Choir works in tandem with appropriate personnel for planning seasonal ministries involving children and youth. Groups include the “Cherubs,” ages 4-8, and the “Crusaders,” ages 9-12. Ministry presentations include Morning Worship during the Academic School Year and Seasonal Presentations as planned. “Cherubs” include Janiya Fuller, Kason Morris, and Zaylah Valley. “Crusaders” include Bailey Brown and Brinley Hart-Fuller.

The Liturgical Dance Ministry – (Sisters of Faith) Mrs. Charnesha Brown, Director. 

This ministry creates and implements a dance program and dance routines appropriate for the worship setting, fostering the spiritual growth of all participating through Scriptural teaching. Groups include: “Little Sisters of Faith,” ages 4-12; “Sisters of Faith,” ages 13-18; and “Women of Faith,” ages 19 and up. Rehearsal and Ministry Presentations are set and announced by the Director. Members include Ana Brandon, Bailey Brown, Breniya Jones, Journee Jones, Mariah Ray, Jayla Stewart, Neveah Thomas, Simmiya Whitfield, Keisha White, and Jayla Wood.

The Instrumental Music and Training Ministry – Psalm 150

This ministry introduces and provides training in vocal techniques and sight singing/sight reading fundamentals for vocal units within the ministry. Tasks of this ministry include recruiting, organizing, and training the Chimes Choir, developing and implementing schedules of ministry presentations for the instrumental and Chimes Choir, and working to maintain established standards of the Ministry of Music and Fine Arts for all instrumental units.

The Drama Ministry – (Praise Dimension) – Mrs. Gladys Harris, Director.

This ministry teaches, trains, and engages members in improvisations, physical portrayal of characters, emotionally authentic activities for character development, and terminology needed for stage directions. Skills taught include dialect, voice inflections, expressing emotion (with and without words), writing monologues, and staging. This ministry is also designed to encourage believers to strive for the high calling of emulating Christ daily. Age group: All. Rehearsal and Ministry Presentations are scheduled and announced by the Director. Participants include Carolyn Black, Betty Ealy, Betty Givan, Cynthia Rainey, and Jabbar Shepherd.

The Visual Arts Ministry – Mrs. Anetia Delph, Director.
The vision of this ministry is to create a vehicle for members of the congregation and the community to express their talents and skills in the visual arts in a manner that glorifies God while producing a sense of spiritual fulfillment in the lives of others. Our God is the God of all that is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing in His world. Members include Sarah Jenkins and Jessie Pierce.

The Ministry of Music and Fine Arts welcomes all members who are led to unite with this essential worship ministry. If you desire to share your calling, you are invited to contact the directors of each unit. We strive to embrace the Word of God, support the church’s vision, and assist each participant to grow spiritually.

Weekly Church Services


Sunday School at 9:00am
Morning Worship Service at 10:15am


Bible Study 6:15 pm

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