Ushering – A Biblically Ordained Ministry of Service

The foundation of ushering is rooted in biblical principles, as established through divine ordinance when God designated the Levites as gatekeepers, porters, and doorkeepers of the Ark, as documented in 1 Chronicles 9:17-31. Consequently, the role of the Ushers’ Ministry transcends mere functional duties, representing a sacred commitment to serve God, the pastoral leadership, the congregation, and the sanctity of the worship space.

In alignment with this divinely bestowed responsibility, the Ushers’ Ministry of Greater Pleasant Baptist Church diligently upholds its sacred charge. This assignment is achieved through a series of dedicated efforts: ensuring a hospitable and inviting atmosphere for both members and visitors; maintaining the sanctuary and its environs in a state of comfort and presentation; upholding the divine standards of excellence and reverence within the house of worship; managing, distributing, and facilitating the accessibility of necessary materials for worship and other ceremonies; implementing systematic protocols for seating arrangements and offerings following established practices; formulating and enacting safety and evacuation protocols as required; and providing assistance to attendees following the conclusion of worship and other church-related activities.

The Usher’s Ministry’s Platform


“I’d rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness” (Psalms 84:10)


To serve the Lord Jesus, through the service we render to humanity.


Ready to serve, “Knowing that of the Lord, ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ.”(Colossians 3:24)


“Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”(II Timothy 2:15)


President – Mr. Earnette Maltbia, Sr.
Vice-President – Mr. Derrell Turner
Secretary – Mrs. Wilma Turner

Weekly Church Services


Sunday School at 9:00am
Morning Worship Service at 10:15am


Bible Study 6:15 pm

Contact Us


Copyright Greater Pleasant Branch Baptist Church. All right reserved.

<<<<< February 5, 2025  Wednesday Night Bible Study will be on-line (Zoom) only at the normal time 6:15 pm.    Click Here for the Zoom information.>>>>> Thank you