
Definition: The Board of Christian Education is a tool created by the local congregation to plan, implement, and coordinate the total educational work of the church.

Goal: The Board shall be responsible for the organization, administration, and supervision of the entire educational program of the church.

Objective: The Board of Christian Education shall be responsible for:

  1. Planning and executing a long range and short range program for the general improvement of the educational program of the Church.
  2. Developing and interpreting to the total membership of the Church the educational objectives.
  3. Studying the educational needs of the Church and for making decisions concerning time schedules, educational use of housing and equipment, and the elimination or addition of classes or organizations.
  4. Discovering, enlisting, training, and appointing all Church educational workers.
  5. Coordinating and approving the evangelistic program of the groups and organizations under its jurisdiction.
  6. Evaluating, determining, and supervising the curriculum of the educational program.
  7. Preparing the educational budget of the church and submitting the same to the Finance Board.
  8. Interview and approve all teachers for educational ministries.
  9. Nominating teachers for the weekly Church school (Sunday School).

T.M Logan Memorial Scholarship

The T.M. Logan Memorial Scholarship Program was established to provide support to members of the Greater Pleasant Branch Baptist Church Family who are graduating high school seniors enrolling in college or vocational programs.  T.M. Logan, in whose memory this scholarship has been established, was well known for his commitment to Christian Education through his years of service as a deacon and the General Superintendent of the Sunday Church School.

Golden Rule district

Dea. aldrew pace scholarship

Scholarships are available ONLY for current High School Graduating Seniors, who are ACTIVE MEMBERS in any of the churches within the Golden Rule District, NO EXCEPTIONS! 

Scholarship applications must be received no later than May 30, 2024 No Applications will be accepted after this date.

The Scholarship/s will be awarded annually to a recipient/s who meets the established criteria after a review of applications submitted to the District’s Laymen Review Committee. A Scholarship/s will be awarded in the amount of $500.00. 

Weekly Church Services


Sunday School at 9:00am
Morning Worship Service at 10:15am


Bible Study 6:15 pm

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Copyright Greater Pleasant Branch Baptist Church. All right reserved.

<<<<< February 5, 2025  Wednesday Night Bible Study will be on-line (Zoom) only at the normal time 6:15 pm.    Click Here for the Zoom information.>>>>> Thank you